The 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C
18th January 2025
Link to Parish Bulletin
The wedding feast of Cana in the
Gospel today is rich in meaning, as it reveals both
the relationship of Mary and Jesus,
as well as Jesus’ response to his mother.
In the time and culture of Jesus, a wedding
was a significant event that could last
for several days. Running out of wine would be a
major embarrassment to those hosting the wedding.
Mary recognizes the problem and brings it to Jesus’
attention in a pithy declaration: “They have no wine.”
Jesus responds with “Woman, how does
your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”
Mary does not tell Jesus what to do
or how to do it. She simply states the need, fully
trusting in His response to her words.Mary instructed
the servers. “Do whatever He tells you.” Then,
Jesus responded with an abundant and generous gift
of the finest wine, far beyond anyone’s imagined
expectation. On this exchange, Mary is our good model.
We tend to pray with a solution and outcome in mind.
We need to imitate Mary’s complete trust in our
own relationship with her Son. We do state our needs
and concerns, although we know that He knows them.
Our role therefore, is to speak from the heart and trust.
We may have a solution in mind, but we do not know
all variables that may play out.
The key is to let God’s will unfold, not ours.
The 2025 Jubilee is a time for renewal,
reflection and spiritual growth.
It gives us a chance to re-discover God's love,
reconcile with others and contribute
to building a more just and merciful world.
A jubilee year serves as a reminder
of the Church’s mission to heal divisions,
restore relationships and embrace hope.
Archbishop Patrick O’Regan had opened the holy year
with Mass at Midnight on the 31st of December 2024.
It will end on the 28th of December 2025.
Three places within the Archdiocese of Adelaide
were designated as pilgrimage sites
for the whole year: St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Adelaide,
Saint Joseph's Church in Penola and St Aloysius’ Church
in Sevenhill. In his letter to the Clergy in the Archdiocese,
He Wrote: “Whether making a physical pilgrimage,
praying for the intentions of others or performing
works of mercy, each acts brings us closer to God
and strengthens our hope in the Lord’s promise.”
Let this be a gracious year for us all.
5th March - Ash Wednesday
20th April - Easter Sunday
5th May - Mater Christi
May - San Padre Pio
1st June - Lords Ascension
June - San Giovanni Battista Scalabrini
18th June - Pentecost Sunday
August - San Pio X
7th September - St Madre Teresa di Calcutta
14th September - Maria SS di Tutte le Grazie
26hth October - Sant’ Ilarione
9th November - San Teodoro
30th November - 1st Sunday of Advent
25th December - Christmas Day
Upcoming Events
Mater Christi Choir Practice recommences on
Monday 27th January at 5pm
in the Mary McKillop Hall.
Baptism Information Evenings
1st Tuesday of the month at 8pm
in the Church.
Next session is 4th February.
RCIA ...BECOMING CATHOLIC... a journey in faith.
If you know someone who would like to become Catholic
or would like to deepen their Catholic knowledge,
please contact the RCIA Team of Mater Christi Parish.
Tom Jimenea on
or email him at:
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and information on our Catholic community
and is available for sale at parishes for $2, with $1 retained
as a fundraiser for parishes.
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Fr Franco
There are a number of resources available to assist with daily prayer and reflection.
Please go to the Adelaide Archdiocese or the Office for Worship.