Sacrament Celebrations

First Reconciliation, Confirmation and
First Holy Communion.

The aims of the Sacramental Program
at Mater Christi Parish are to:

- Initiate children into a way of living in communion with
  God and with others and not simply prepare
them for isolated acts
  or occasional celebrations that are
incidental to their lives.

- Help parents and children discover or rediscover
the wonderful gift's of
  God's loving presence in their own hearts
and in their daily lives,
  for it is there that God is found.

- Awaken or reawaken in them a taste for prayer,
the joy of relating to God in hope each day,
and a sense of human solidarity
   in the midst of joys and difficulties of life.

- Help parents in their role of first spiritual guides
of their child. Faith is a life,
  transmitted day by day by those who have
not only provided physical life but also a
whole range of spiritual values and atitudes.

This programme is offered primarily to children
 8-10 years old, who have been
baptised Catholic. Usually, children around
this age have the capacity
to determine right from wrong and, 
more importantly, understand the
need to forgive and be forgiven.
 Prior to this age, in most cases,
children may not have developed the
capability for this discernment.
Preparation time is approximately
 5 - 7 weeks. Information evenings,
family and parish-based activities 
and workshops for the children
are all part of this programme.


These programmes are offered
for children who have already
celebrated their First Reconciliation.
Children celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation 
and First Holy Communion
within the same ceremony initiating them fully
into the Catholic Church. 
Preparation time is approximately 7 - 9 weeks.
Information sessions, family and
parish based activities and
 workshops for the children are all
part of this programme.

If you are interested in any of these
programmes being offered in
sacramental preparation please
contact the parish who will be
happy to support you in this rewarding
journey for your child and family.